Aksemseddin Hz. Tomb Virtual Tour

360 Degree Akşemseddin Hz. Türbesi


Aksemseddin Hz . Tomb; Akşemseddin Hz . (1389-1459) died in Kiris . His real name and Mehmet Shamsuddin , versatile Islamic scholars and science insanıdır.hamzs as the son , in 1389 in Damascus was born . Akşemseddin lineage , paternal 15 in the west is based on Abu Bakr.

The first collection from her father Aksemseddin area , is 7 years old mem with his family settled in the parish of Samsun is poplar . After the death of his father in Amasya and Osmancık Akşemseddin completed training in the madrasas , took Professorship piers and Osmancık Madrasah was a teacher . Akşemseddin also wonder medicine and pharmaceutical medical science has learned wrapping . Due to the interest in Sufism , Akşemseddin around Iran before , but I can not find that again was forced to return to Anatolia .

To Ankara Akşemseddin , Hacı Bayram Veli students souls to break , to help the poor and needy catering There albeit for a draw and not accept help , the arcade market devran taking such cases not like it because it left Ankara and another Murshid search for Aleppo is gone. In a dream one night in Aleppo fitted to the neck is a chain , the other end of the chain in the hands of Hacı Bayram Veli and saw himself attracted towards Ankara . Then again returned to Ankara . In a short time all the way to mysticism and learning the intricacies Akşemseddin , it took icazets Due to the success of Hacı Bayram Veli and the caliphate was crowned .

After that, the Hacı Bayram Veli with permission from the left and Beypazari moved to Ankara . Beypazarı Akşemseddin find a great reputation , and from there a short time later separated and settled in Iskilip . Due to the fall of the same multiplicity of Iskilip separated and settled in the district of Bolu Goynuk . In addition, a mill and built the mosque in burnt ettirip been busy with their children and decency charged , on the other hand has written works available and was able to go on pilgrimage seven times . Fication of the front two sons when Akşemseddinin also available if only one child is mentioned in other sources .

The conquest of Istanbul , Akşemseddinin real fame , II. Murat II  orders and requests . Synthesis began with a teacher assigned to Mehmed . Akşemseddin , II. Mehmed whether counseling has contributed to the conquest of Istanbul . Akşemseddin children , students and disciples are joined together with the conquering armies .


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